Pintu putar baru Onyx Seri - TiSO Jalan memutar

Onyx Series is brand new turnstiles in TiSO jarak

We look forward to customer feedback to the brand new tripod turnstiles in our range. New models are so different from the majority on the market that we decided to separate them into individual line – Onyx Seri.
Sejak Juli 2021, dua model dari lini tersebut tersedia untuk dipesan: Onyx-S dan Onyx-M.


Di antara keunggulan utama dari Onyx seri adalah:

- desain rumah bergaya.
Most of us are used to thinking of tripod turnstiles, first of all, as a functional product and the requirements for their design are secondary. But about Onyx Series there is different story, because of tilted toplid and the unusual form of the LED indication give to the new turnstiles a futuristic look.

- mekanisme yang digerakkan oleh servo dan fungsi "anti-panik"..
Onyx series turnstiles have a powerful two side servo-drive mechanism with a strong locking system. The turnstile is also equipped with an automatic anti-panic system, which lowers the turnstile pod so that people can quickly leave the danger zone. After the end of the alarm mode, pods return to their original position automatically.

- indikasi LED dinamis.
Grafik Onyx series turnstiles can be indicated either static (constant light) or dynamic (characteristic blinking of LED lamps). The indication characterizes three statuses of the turnstile: passage permitted / prohibited and standby mode.

To learn more about the new series of Onyx turnstiles, write to us at

  • e-mail:
  • Ukraina
  • tel.: +380 (67) 553-32-88


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